Some of you know that the first song I wrote about Olga was right after our first time meeting in person. That was a fun little tune called “Hot Damn.”
The next song that I wrote is one that was maybe two months before I approached her for the second time (yes, she rejected me the first time), and told her my intentions, not to date, but to marry her.
That song is called “Set Sail.”
It’s the only song I wrote for her that made her cry when she heard it.
After that, I wrote a song just before that big conversation between us was had. It was an upbeat funky tune called “Again,” then I revamped it and made another later on called “Again [Extended]” because of how much fun we had with it live.
Then, the last one I wrote for her, the chorus of the song was partially taken from something she texted to me a few weeks after our courtship began. The text she sent me said “your love has given me a song I never thought I’d sing.”
I can’t remember if it was that same day, or the day after, but it wasn’t long before I was inspired to write the last song on the EP about her. That song is called “In Your Borders.”
She danced the most to Again, but she loved Set Sail the most.
I think it goes without saying that there are new songs in the pipeline. I am taking my time, as for most of them, the moment I begin to sing and play what I’m writing, emotions start taking over. It’s hard to read lyrics when your eyes are watery.
But nonetheless, when the timing is right, I’ll be on stage again; sharing with you all this journey of mine and hopefully reaching and helping those who have experienced similar tragedies to heal on their journeys as well.
In the meantime, these writings will have to do.
I loved the one you wrote last year! Played live- while we were watching over a stream!!