Jul 17Liked by JoDavi

I commented on another board two years ago that Americans need to become good citizens again, to follow the ten commandments. I received pushback for that; however, our country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and it is a part of our culture. I believe prayer should be allowed in public schools. Which brings me to Immigration. Ellis Island was many years ago and millions started a new life in America, however the impact to America values and culture was slight. People wanted to 'be' American, they wanted to learn english, they wanted their children to have a chance for a better life.

Today, groups try to bring down our culture, they want to dismantle the constitution. They have not come here to become an American, they have come to destroy what generations of Americans have stood for, have lost loved ones fighting for, the good of this nation. A long intro, but what I originally intended to share is our government. In my collection of antique books, I have a couple of high school textbooks on our government. 1894, 1897, and 1934. All have this in common, but I will quote from the one from 1934. In the notes to the teacher regarding why every 'boy' and 'girl' needs to study the science of our government there are three points. The third one I find fascinating. #1 Because govt. protects and aids us in many ways, controls our conduct, and to an increasingly large extent, regulates our business and industry. In turn, govt. requires from us strict obedience to the laws. Knowledge of the law (because ignorance is not an accepted exemption), how they are made and enforced is the first lesson we need to learn. #2 the second reason is the responsibilities for the character of govt. must soon rest on the students in school. They will one day be responsible for the selection and conduct of public officials...... #3 Because, in these days of widespread unrest, discontent, and even of radicalism, when large groups of persons are demanding sweeping changes in the form of our government and advocating new ventures in public policy, it is urgently necessary that our future voters be wisely instructed in matters of government. And here we are 90 years later. And it appears we have failed to communicate and teach our generations the document that we were given 248 years ago. Which brings me to one of the biggest issues today, we have to prioritize best in world education to each and every child in this country regardless of who they are. If school choice is given, please include the transportation for children to get there.

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My only problem here is that I see a lot of people saying God protected Trump and tying that explicitly to some political purpose, as though avid has annointed Trump. At the same time, ignoring that God apparently took the life of a man who was protecting his family. I think we have to be careful how we talk about this stuff.

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I’m not saying that here.

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I understand that, but I wanted to add it given how I see a lot of Christians talking about this moment

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

I don’t think they are ignoring anything. Many of them are expressing condolences for the retired firefighter who was killed.

It’s just like I said in the article, things don’t always make sense, like why some of us are still alive, but our friends/family are gone.

It comes down to simple biases. If it was AOC on the podium and the same thing happened, many people on the left would express relief, and even thanks to G-d, whether they believe in Him or not. Many people on the right would bring up the civilian casualty.

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Well, unfortunately, we are probably looking at different feeds of reactions.

I agree with the counter example. I think that's also the point I'm trying to make. It's an appeal to take in the situation in all its complexity, and to be cautious when it comes to interpreting the intervention of the divine.

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We’re saying two completely different things.

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Okay. Not entirely sure how we got on the wrong foot here, but I wasn't attempting to do anything but add my two cents. Take it or leave it. No harm intended.

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Wise words 🙏

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I am so impressed by this post. It is spot-on, and full of truth. Thank you JoDavi for your moral clarity!

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Thank you for your wise words and counsel at this time.

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