I completely agree. The bigger question is how do you change the opinion and deeply embedded belief that Jews and Israel are bad, and must be eliminated? The indoctrination of Jew hatred is so embedded in the fabric of Palestinian society that I can't fathom how to un-do this evil. Unfortunately, it isn't just in Gaza— this hatred can be seen across the Arab world. I've heard that Islam as a religion does not support or endorse this type of hatred, and if that is the case, how can they explain where this core of hatred comes from? I'd like to believe that as humans we all strive for the same basic goals of life and peace, but clearly that is not the case. Please— if you are Muslim and reading this comment, help me understand where this comes from. Help me understand where radical Islam fits into the Muslim belief system and how Islam differentiates itself from these ideologies.

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It's in their cult mindset.

Gain trust, betray, destroy.

Islam plays the long game to take over theur neighbours.

If the army is strong enough they'll invade, if it isn't they send their people to slowly take over areas bit by bit until they are ready to take the nation over.

One day you're going to work, the next day there's an Islamic revolution and democracy dies.

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